News 13 First Morning
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>>> And cheque vaccination numbers, 45% of eligible recipients in south carolina are fully vaccinated. Nearly 53% have at least one covid shot. North carolina's numbers remain around 60%. >>> A new study, duke university study called active 6 is looking at whether three existing medications would treat mild to moderate covid cases effectively. The study considers whether the medications would prevent long covid deaths like homentizations and deaths and the impact on covid three months out. The executive director of the duke clinical research institute stressed the importance of tackling issues early on. >> One of the lessons we have learned around covid is a the people may develop mild symptoms early on and it is hard to predict whether they'll have worse outcomes or develop worse symptoms. And so once they get into the hospital, the cascade really accelerates. People the worsen where they wind up on a ventilator or other machines in the icu and it's really hard to treat covid-19 at that stage. >> Patsy: an your screen now are the names of the three drugs being repurposed. Ivermectin is being used to treat infection. And chronic pulmonary disease and the third drug is a celebingive celebingive serotonin usually prescribed for depression. Data will be collected two ways, either directly from patients via online surveys or calling directly. >> Aaron: expecting mothers have a lot of decisions to make including the decision to get the covid vaccine. >> Patsy: doctors tell me prelg nant moms are at a higher risk of covid-19 complication, which is why doctors recommend women get the shot. Medical experts at tidelands health say vaccination is effective at preventing covid-19 and may help transfer protective antibodies to the baby through the placenta and breast milk. The antibodies may lower the chances of the baby getting covid-19. Doctors say pregnant women who get covid-19 are more likely to become sick than those who are not pregnant. Doctors also say you should consider getting the vaccine if you work in health care or places where you come in close contact with people. >> Experts are are doing their research, looking at numbers, encouraging women to receive this vaccine. A changing time and it's decision a woman has to make based on her comfort level, based on her family needs, based on her risk factors. >> Patsy: coming up, I'll explain what doctors at conway medical center say about women getting the coronavirus vaccine while pregnant. Reporting for news 13, I'm stephanie fernandez. >> James: traffic looking good, up and down the grand strand, there is no accidents to slow you down. Fog not a factor just yet. A six minute commute on 541 to 544. For the pee dee border belt you are looking good. There is nothing there. Fog not a factor. We have a six minute commute on 52 from palmetto to i-95. >> Aaron: lawrence police arrested a man because of an investigation into this viral video. The video appears to show someone giving a toot that to a minor inside the dining room of, of all places, an McDONALD'S. The man in the video is 28-year-old brandon presha. He is charged with one count of illegal that tooing and one count of underage tattooing. >> Patsy: when we return, we are breaking down how much money north carolina and south carolina will see from the $1 trillion infrastructure package passed in the senate. And later james hopkins will give us a special look at the path of our six main Expertly tailored eye care. State-of-the-art eye exams. High quality lenses and frames. Because everything we do at LensCrafters is for every sight that makes your life special. Book your annual eye exaw. LensCrafters. Because Sight.
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