FOX8 News at 9:00A
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Lowe's knows the first step to motivation is inspiration. So, we've got new everything. New flooring, new paint, new patio sets, new pillows. I can keep going if you want me to. You got this.And we got you. >> Well, the next time you have check out. Don't be surprised if your doctor prescribes a walk. Studies have shown that walking just 0 minutes per day. Can drastically improve your health and reduce the risk of diabetes are diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. Doctor antonio gutierrez is an assistant professor of medicine down the road at the duke university school of medicine as well as a volunteer with the american heart association. He joins us more this morning. Good morning. >> Good morning. And thank you so much for having me. Absolutely. So let's talk a little bit on how just making a commitment to walking. >> Really helps your overall healthy living. >> So you're absolutely correct. As simple as 6,000 steps a day will result in positive health benefits such as a decrease in blood pressure and cholesterol. The exercise regularly has been shown to increase your mood, energy, improve your quality of sleep, and decrease your levels of stress. >> Talk about walking who who is a candidate for this is a people necessarily that that that can't run or maybe so runner who, you know, is having some joint pain or maybe just anyone who wants to get out and take it all in. >> I would agree that anybody who just want to take out everything go outside and take it all. If you're on, that's great. But if you can't run, go ahead and start walking. We recommend that you start off slow, start off at a pace distance that you can do. Doesn't matter if it's 5 minutes to start off or 10 minutes, but slowly build up the 30 to 60 minutes a day. >> Tell us about artery disease and how can we reckon recognize the symptoms of it? Because >> If you have that, you really need to be active right? >> You're absolutely correct. National walking day. Coming up, april 5th, that is closely tied with pa d peripheral artery disease. So just like we can get blockages in the arteries of the heart, the ad is blockages in the arteries in the legs. Now we see this in people that are 50 years or older and have other co-morbidities such as diabetes, heart disease or longtime smoking and it manifests itself for many people as pain or cramping in the calves and thighs, especially if they walk up an incline and this will limit the overall function. >> Interesting if it does cause discomfort, though, what should you do about it? >> Though? That's the thing. When it comes to p a d and walking. If you don't use it, you lose so what we recommend is that you start off walking walk, which you can until you get some of the symptoms such as the cramping, the burning or even fatigue, stop and
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